Tuesday, June 9, 2009

23 days to 29: Taking it easy

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Considering the hustle and bustle of yesterday, I definitely didn’t want to do much today. It was all I could do to make it to service on time. Service was right on! Near the end, just before communion, we had a special prayer request for a family in the church who had lost a son, 21 years old, in a car accident the day prior. Immediately my heart went out the mother and daughter who were standing at the altar. I was overcome with emotion and began weeping for the family, as many others in the church were, and praying God strengthen them as they go through this time of bereavement. Then my mind began to think about my brothers, their youth, and how devastated I would be if anything like that happened to them. And the more I thought about it, the more I cried. My tears continued even through our communion service and finally stopped just before I went down to hug the family.

I went home, took a shower and came out to chill at B’s. I was introduced to Avatar: the Last Airbender and watched several episodes of the cartoon. Very entertaining and interesting. I had some great spaghetti and had a chance to just chill, something I needed desperately. Again the soothing laughter of a child lulled me back into a place of peace and serenity.

This evening, we visited a friends home to watch game 2 of the NBA Finals (Go Lakers!). Being the first one’s there, I was prepared to be the only ones there (in case everyone else was busy who got the “come on over” text) and settled into the plush comfy couch of my friend to watch the game. As we often do, people began to trickle in and before it was over, she had a full house of basketball fans, food fans, and fellowship fans. Her salad and buffalo wild wings menu hit the spot! Kool aid (ya’ll know I love Kool aid) was abundant and we had blast! After the game went off, we had a chance to see a portion of Paul Mooney’s stand up show in Los Angeles and it was hilarious. The brother is soooo talented and soooo funny. He drops knowledge AND makes you laugh until you cry. We’re definitely going to have to see the rest of that dvd. Priceless.

So a much needed day of rest was had. And I am grateful for it!

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