Friday, June 12, 2009

18 days to 29: Brims

Brims. Those old school hats that your grandpa and uncles would wear with their Sunday clothes (or sometimes just everyday) that gave them a distinct look about them. Looking at pictures from the past you'll see them often and perhaps you never really paid much attention to them because they were common then. But you saw the eyes of the man wearing it, proud, dignified, strong (he probably didn't wear a smile on his face in the picture. Men back then didn't smile much.) But the power they have to transfer a regular man's attire from average to extraordinary is exponential (ever asked a pimp why he's wearing a brim? Powerful piece of the outfit!)

I have a friend whose husband's grandfather used to wear them. In recent months he's made mention of picking up the tradition of a man he loved. Thinking about donning the "brim" himself, in honor of him. Being the observant and giving wife that she is, she began looking for one to give him as a surprise.

The hat came in today. I passed her in the hall on the way to pick it up, smile on her face, excitement in her eyes, excitement in her voice as she whispered, "his hat is here." And when she returned, I got a quick email with the subject line reading "Hey...... come see!"

I walked in as she showcased the black fedora complete with it's subtle black and white with brown highlighted feather. Elegant, beautiful, classy, and quality. It has a silver silk inner lining. I can understand why a man would want to wear a hat like that when he was feeling especially sharp. It's a statement. If you didn't know, you should. I am someone.

Outside of the hat, my observation led me to the joy that my friend about purchasing a gift that she knows her husbands going to love. She's proud of herself for being on point, patting herself on the back for doing something for someone she loves. I'm glad to be witness to what love does for others and how much joy someone can take in blessing someone else.

Now that, my friends is what I call Christ-like. Doesn't our creator admonish us to love one another as we love ourselves? Our very nature is love and to show that to others is human nature and natural. Don't let this world fool you into thinking that to hate is the norm. It is not.

Can we all be so engaged, so attentive, to the needs of our loved ones that we are in fact "more blessed in giving than receiving"?

I believe we are... if we just let it flow and listen to that voice inside that tells you to do those nice things for others. Give yourself to giving... see where that road takes you...

My friend is in the land of fulfillment, joy, and peace. I'm sure your road of giving will lead you there too.

Ride it out... be a giver...

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