Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day 2:Crash Course in Finance- Simple Pleasures

Wednesday, June 02, 2010, 7:26 pm
Day 2 of a 21 day course in Corporate Finance:

I consider myself very special when today I parked in the business lot at UAB, with about 15 minutes to spare before class, just turning on the radio and my current favorite song is just beginning, today its “Window Seat” by Erykah Badu.

I roll down my windows, let the breezy cool air flow through my vehicle as I stare at the ominous clouds that indicate heavy rain is just around the corner.

I just spent the last hour playing around with my financial calculator learning how to punch in the right numbers to get future and present values to money and I’m feeling pretty confident about my grasp on those problems, at least the easy ones.

I thoroughly enjoyed the Waffle House atmosphere for studying and I’m glad I forewent the Surin West crowd in favor of a waffle, scrambled eggs, hash browns, and hot tea for my dinner. The booth provided just enough space for me to stretch out with my class lecture notes, my book, my calculator, and with only about 4 other people in the small restaurant that shares an adjacent wall with a hotel, it was quiet enough that I could really concentrate with just enough white noise to make it cozy and not an uncomfortable silence. This waffle house is kind of nestled on the edge of the uab campus, and on any given night about 2 am it would be packed with hungry clubbers looking for a cheap midnight meal. But today, on a Wednesday night, only regulars come, a church member stopping by to say hello to the cook on their way to bible study.

Now off to class...

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