Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Number 1 or Number 2?

Number 1 or Number 2

I’m listening to Kanyezy this morning in honor of last night’s debate, more specifically the songs Champion and Stronger, and in a little bit I’m going to put on a little Jay Z because I want to walk with the swagger of multi millionaire around my office as I campaign to be the United Way Ambassador at my company. But at any rate, last nights debate was town hall meeting forum, a venue that McCain has wanted to visit with Obama for quiet some time now. Thankfully I was invited to a debate party last night, and watched the debate on a 72 inch screen and it was the best set up. The host bought the groceries and I made some of the food. So during the preliminary minutes leading up to the debate, we’re chit chatting about rotel dip recipes, I’m making sure the temperature is hot enough to melt the Velveeta but not burn it, chopping it up about silly subjects, all the while browning the sausage, talking about music and the like, when the invincible Tom Brokow takes center screen. He sits looking at the camera for about 15 seconds before he utters a word and then he begins…

So after the dust settled, what did you think about the debate?

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